第2849回例会会長あいさつ 2002年10.02
2002 年 10 月 2 日
Welcome to our club! It is our pleasure to have you at our meeting.
The Obihiro Rotary Club is the 16th oldest club in Japan.
We are very proud of our 68-year-history and tradition.
Currentlythis club has 105members.
The object of the Rotary Club is to encourage and foster “ethics”“friendship”“better community life”and “intemational understandinggoodwill and peace.”We promote various types of programs and activities to fulfill our motto.
We hope you enjoy your stay by experiencing and seeing daily life in Japan and its unique customs.
I’m sure you will have the chance to meet and talk to many people.
We wish you a great time during your stay in Japan.
Thank you.